Majoring in biology may be one of the most flexible opportunities in undergraduate education, due to the sheer number of biological specialties and pursuits. In simple words, biology is the study of life. At its most complicated, it's the study of the microscopic intricacies that drive the process of the planet's every organism. With everything from medical anatomy to marine ecology, the coursework required for a bachelor’s in biological sciences provides a diversity that keeps students engaged.


Introductory classes to the study of biology include a wide range of topics which discuss all aspects of life, nature, and the ways that different organisms interact on Earth. As a student works through the degree program, opportunities for more specific classes in various areas of study can be taken. These include courses in microbiology, human anatomy and physiology, ecology, mycology, and marine biology to name only a few. Other classes such as basic chemistry and mathematics may also be beneficial to the biology student, and general education requirements in English and social sciences will be useful for learning skills essential to communication within the scientific community.

Pre-professional Programs

A number of pre-professional programs require classes in the biological sciences, including pre-medical, pre-pharmaceutical, pre-chiropractic, pre-dentistry, pre-forestry, and many others. In other words, there is no shortage of careers to which the knowledge of biological sciences can be applied. Obtaining a bachelor’s in biological sciences is only one aspect of these programs, but it plays a critical role in pre-professional success.

Opportunities Outside the Classroom

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Pursuing a bachelor’s in biological sciences doesn’t have to be a classroom-only experience. While outside opportunities vary from program to program, many campuses offer laboratory experiences or fieldwork electives so that biology students can get a taste of what it is like to work as a biologist. Pre-professional programs such as the ones listed above may offer their own extracurricular experiences specific to the field.


The opportunities available for a graduate of a biology program are more diverse than many perceive. While pursuits within healthcare and employment as a biology researcher are likely the first careers that students think of when they consider majoring in biology, numerous other jobs need employees possessing the skills acquired with a bachelor’s in biological sciences. Business managers, legal professionals, communication specialists, counselors, and analysts all have reason to value biology knowledge and a scientific mindset.

Any student wishing to pursue a field full of variety and constant advances will welcome the intellectual challenge of a biology program, as well as the sample employment opportunities resulting from post-degree expertise.
